Sunday, 2 February 2014

Everybody is Needed

I find it interesting how we seem to get stuck on what gifts others have and what we do not have. It does not help where certain organizations seem to highlight some gifts over others and therefore it appears they are giving special treatment to those people.

But all gifts are needed.

I think of my sister’s gift as a teacher. With her education, desire and passion in it she sees things that I normally would not. But when my car needs repair or I have a plugged sink or furnace not working, I do not call on her and point out how great her gifts are. No. I find someone with those specific gifts to help me out. And I do not call on the mechanic or the plumber when I have a health issue. I have been to functions where the person running them was not a good administrator and others where the person was. Such a difference too! Some may not consider administration a gift, but if you attend an event where there has not been proper communication and no idea what is going on, then you know as well that it makes a difference.

Those are some of the many gifts that are out there.

The problem comes when we glorify some gifts over others. Perhaps those are the gifts needed in that certain situation, but given a different situation, different gifts would be needed. One gift is not more important than another.

And one person is not more important than another because of what gifts they have.

I know there are people out there who do not give back. There are those who only take from people. Some are known only for notorious things. There are people who are still only discovering their gifts. And there are those who are too young to really notice yet.

I also notice we seem to write people off who are in the poorest of poor state in a developing country. But to be fair they are just as valuable as we are. Where a person is born and how they are raised does not determine their value.

But all those people are not less important or valuable than everyone else. What we do does not determine our value, it’s who we are. We are all human and Christ died for all of us, not just some of the elite.

I know it seems we have a drive to compete with others so that we can appear better or more important. 

Perhaps we just forget that there are other people in this world too and it’s not all about us. I’m not sure. But I do believe a difference can be made if we all realize that everyone is valuable.

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